So I'm guessing you've all now read about our wedding and how great it was and how happy Michael and I are to now have that behind us - not that we didn't enjoy it but we're glad to move on as newlyweds rather than keep living the stress of wedding planning, as it seems to have been for over two years now!
Today's post, then, is on a bit of a different note. I thought I would take a moment to introduce you all to Brock, our new Labradoodle. Yes, it is official, he is "the one" :)
Hangin' out with Mariah - Brock loves to give "kisses" so we're trying to harness this as his first trick - to "kiss" on command.On the Monday after our wedding, Michael, Brianna, Bridget (my sisters) and I set out for Northern Ohio at 5am. Yes, you read that correctly: we left Cincinnati less than 36 hours after the wedding! I know what you're thinking
as if Mariah actually got up that early, nevermind drove somewhere!? Believe it or not, I did.
So anyways, we drove up to
Wauseon, Ohio (about 3.5 hours north of Cincinnati) where we arrived at
Buckeye Kennels to a kitchen full of labradoodles! Sheryl, the breeder, was great. When we arrived, all five boys from the litter were frolicking around the kitchen with her son, who helped us get to know the pups. One little guy ran over to us right away, lunging at me. Although this was supercute, I was a little skeptical, as I remembered being warned by the authors of many a doggie book and website that have said
you may think this puppy is "picking you" but beware as this is often the sign of an alpha dog. So, as adorable as he was, I managed to sit back a moment and convince myself that's not really what I wanted.
Brock, posing at Michael's parents' house in West Chester - a stop on the way homeBy this time, Michael had really taken to another of the puppies - you could tell he had just melted. Brianna and Bridget, not wanting to make the decision for us, helped by keeping the other pups busy as we rubbed bellies and tugged on tails to see if we could get a better idea of their temperaments. Then, we realized that one of the puppies seemed a lot quieter than the others. He was also a lot curlier than the other guys. He had been sitting in Sheryl's son's lap the whole time but I just had to give him a cuddle. Sure enough, he slowly warmed to both Michael and I and his face, slightly different than all his littermates with beautiful grey eyes, won both Michael and I over. Luckily for me, he also happened to be the most "curly" of the group, which means he has a much lower chance of shedding and causing allergies!
So, a couple hours later, we packed up back into the car, put little Brock at my feet (who passed out about thirty seconds later) and we headed for the I-75 where we would soon be meeting up with my parents and gramma. As soon as we got there, of course, everyone was excited to see the new pooch. I would like to highlight this, however,
my mother seemed to be the most excited of us all! For those who don't know, my mom generally hates dogs and has not been shy to vocalize that she thinks us getting a dog is a dumb idea. Oh well. I guess we got the last laugh afterall. Not only did she think he was adorable, the next sentence out of her mouth was
can I hold him please?! I can't wait to get that picture from gramma. It's so going to be framed in our living room!
Michael and Brock, taking a pit stop on the way home
After the brief introductions, we all said our goodbyes, Brianna and Bridget piled into my parents vehicle and they drove north as Michael, Brock and I made our way back south to
Cincinnati. The ride home was uneventful and we didn't have to clean up a single mess. The first night was not bad at all. After about 2 minutes of whining, Brock settled quickly in his kennel and only fussed to go out twice that night. As of last night, we were only down to one 3am walk; which Michael and I alternate. Of course, I could sleep through a tornado, so Michael wakes me up when it's my turn. haha...
Between his yawn and his hiccups, this doggie has kept us in stitches since he's been here!Brock's been slowly adjusting to city life with us and every day we see a little bit more of his personality. Although he is fairly quiet, he doesn't like to be very far from us and likes to sit at our feet or cuddle up to us if we're sitting on the floor - in fact, our feet have seen him more often than his doggie bed. At the moment, he is curled up under the dining room table, where I'm sitting typing. He's always getting tangled up under the chairs and it's quite funny to see his navigate his way out as he's waking up.
Brock, hanging out in one of his favourite nap spots... He's still not super steady on his feet though, so it's rather entertaining for us to see him get out through all the chair legs.
Yesterday was pretty difficult, as Brock seemed to have turned into a moody little dog, refusing to walk on his leash and going in all the wrong places. This was magnified by the fact that, in my attempt to get him out to pee quickly, I locked myself out of the building in my birks and sweats in the rain. Thank god my neighbour was around to let me in and the maintenance guy had a master key! I have a feeling the moodiness might have been caused by his first bath; which he seemed to hate intensely. Oh well..
The squeaky carrot has quickly become one of his favouritesToday, though, has been a different story. Not only was he a star at the vet's office where everyone oooh'ed and ahhh'ed over him (they had never seen a fully brown chocolate doodle before), he seemed to have ten times his normal energy, is learning to "let's go" on the leash, to "sit" and has now twice run up the two steep flights of stairs inside our building. Next on the list: learn to go
down stairs. This has not been much of an issue outside as he prefers to roll down the little hill beside the stairs outside our building but inside, it's a bit annoying.
Anyhoo, that's about all for now. As you can see, I'm loving our new pup so far.... but I wouldn't be surprised if most of you stopped reading paragraphs ago! haha... That's alright. Well, I hope all is well with all of you. I love reading the comments that everyone has been leaving on the blog and the emails I've gotten. They are very good motivators for me to keep up with the posting!
Take care!
Here's a link to all the photos we've taken of Brock the last couple of days.... Enjoy!